Monday, August 11, 2014

20. Swim in hot springs

(I love this picture more than life itself.)

My blog has somehow turning into a Monday thing.

I feel like this is good, because Monday is the 6th best day of the week and maybe blogging will make it slightly less Monday-ish. Hmmm.



I swam in hot springs. SEE?

It was a fairly magical experience. My fam had some friends in town and we wound up partying in the mountains over the weekend. Part of the trip included going to "The Crater" in Midway. At first, I was like, that's not a crater. And it's not, except in the sense that it's "a cavity or hole in any surface" - according to Google. I think that's a terrible definition. Any surface? Really?! Pffsssh.

But the "crater" is more like a big bowl with a hole in the top. Think of it as a giant fishbowl made of stone that has people instead of fish. You can climb on top of it and look down. Or you could just look at this picture.

Looking up from inside, it looks like this.

The "crater" is 65' deep. The water is very clear and very warm. You can swim, snorkel, or scuba dive. Lindsey, mi boss, scuba dove (dived?) in the "crater" a while back. She said there's no fish; it's boring.

The water was great! The coolest part, and this is going to sound super boring, is that when you stick your feet down, it's still warm. (I told you it would sound boring.) But for reals! I love swimming in Lake Powell because the water is so warm. But when you stick your feet down, it gets really cold. Not so with the hot spring. I would say it's a mild sensation and one that I find disproportionately cool. Also - there was somewhat of a current. It was surprising but I guess the water springs up from the center, meaning that no matter where you are in the "crater", the water is pushing you outward towards the walls. And one of the rules is that you can't touch the walls. The result? Exercise. Booooo. :/

And that's pretty much it. I'm glad I've now done something on my list (other than the blog). But I will say one more thing, because I believe experiences are just as much about the people you're with as they are about what you're doing.

So, thanks to my Mom, Ashley, Pam, Woody, Jared, and Hannah for going to the "crater" with me - especially Hannah because she took pictures and she couldn't actually swim due to being preggo. :]

(This is the sitting area where you don't have to exercise or wear a life jacket that doesn't fit. Not that you would know by the picture.)

See you next Monday?

*I like to celebrate with caps lock.

1 comment:

  1. This is cool! I went to midway last week and was so close to swimming in the "crater" but it didn't happen :/ I did, however, go to the crater when I was like 4 or 5 and I remember swimming a little bit in it, but being very scared because, being an impressionable child at the time, I believed my sister when she said the crater was 1,000 feet deep. Anyway, it looks like you had a lot of fun! Midway is great and that would have made my day if I ran into you, but unfortunately, we were not there at the same time :(
